Monday, February 17, 2020

Five Must Have Food Items Before Winter End

Five Must Have Food Items

Before Winter End

Winters are about to end in India and some of you must have been busy working day and night without taking care of your health. If you haven’t had any time looking around the vegetable markets and finding food items to boost your immunity, here we are ready with an all good list of top Five Must Have Food Items Before Winter End.

Winters are always popularly associated with cold and sickness. A proper diet during the winter season should include lean proteins, low fat dairy products along with vitamin rich foods. The best way in which the cold and sickness can be avoided is to have adequate sleep, minimum stress along with moderate exercise, this is the way that will lead to a fully functional digestive system. So in simpler words, this will not only will reduce the chances of a person getting the flu but will also increase the curing speed in case you are already in the catch.

Here are five must have food items before winter end that can help you maintain a good health in winters.


Radishes are rich in Vitamin B and C along with Potassium. These are highly beneficial in the health perspective. Radishes are basically attributed to a special sulphur containing compounds which are known as isothiocyanates, these are the compounds that act as antioxidants which keep inflammation in check.

winter foods


This vegetable is an excellent source of beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the body. This vitamin is essential for eye health as well as immune system. It also promotes the proper growth and development of the body. Carrots are known to be loaded with antioxidants which are responsible for reducing the chances of chronic diseases.

winter foods


Honey is the most domestic way of curing cold and fever in the households. It is well known for its antibacterial properties that help fighting against bacteria and virus that attack the body. It should be a regular practice to have a glass of milk along with a teaspoon of honey in it.

winter foods


Mushrooms are known for their protection against the cold and flu during winters. These are considered as immunity boosters. Filled with vitamin B, copper and potassium makes mushrooms the perfect winter weather item.

Winter foods

Green Tea and Chamomile Tea

Green tea has antioxidants and is known for its antibacterial properties. During the winter season, it is advised to have 2-3 cups of green tea at least to keep your immune system healthy. Chamomile tea also serves as a great antioxidant.

Our Take

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle during winters one must include these items in the daily routine. These shall help in strengthening the immune system to keep diseases at bay during winters.

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