Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fighting Fatigue Best Practices

Fighting Fatigue Best Practices

No matter your weight loss or fitness goals, fatigue can be a major deal breaker.

Life is hectic enough as it is, but when your energy levels are low, your exercise and diet efforts take the hardest hit.

But there’s a lot you can do to jumpstart your energy and get more out of your day – whether it’s spent in the office, with your kids, or at the gym.

This article looks at 3 best practices for improving your energy and fighting fatigue once and for all! These tips are all geared towards different factors that commonly influence energy and fatigue. Give one a try, or consider them all – you really can’t go wrong here!

Fighting Fatigue Best Practices

1. Include More Super Foods in Your Diet

Your primary source for energy is your diet, simply put. So if you’re finding your energy is lacking lately, you need to start with the foods you’re eating. Any diet that’s high in sugars and fats and low in healthy, nutritional foods is going to negatively affect your energy levels. Before you do anything else, clean up your diet, and make sure you’re getting the vitamins and nutrients you need.

But in addition to making basic improvements, there are a ton of ‘super foods’ on the market that will give you that added punch. These foods are all nutritionally dense and will give you the extra boost of energy you’re looking for:

  • NOW Spirulina Powder – This powdery supplement is actually dried algae, and it’s seriously one of the best things you can eat to get healthy and energized! Add it to your smoothie or sprinkle it on your oatmeal.
  • Nutiva Organic Chia Seeds – Another nutritionally dense option, chia seeds are full of fiber and protein to keep you full and energized!
  • NOW Chlorella – Chlorella is another super food derived from algae, and like spirulina, it’s full of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats to keep you energized and alert!
  • Magic Matcha Green Tea – This super food is full of healthy antioxidants and just enough caffeine to give your metabolism and your body a major boost!

2. Charge Your Workouts

If fatigue is especially problematic at the gym, or if you find you can’t get motivated to work out, then you need to consider some of the great energy-boosting supplements currently on the market. Two of the most powerful supplements out there are Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump MAX and USPLabs Jack3d. These supplements have been around for quite some time, and have proven to be safe and effective! Taken just before a workout, they’ll help you lift heavier and get out those extra pumps!

3. Get a Better Night’s Sleep

The third best practice for fighting fatigue is to sleep better. This may sound too simple, but sleep is the biggest predictor of your energy levels. One bad sleep can throw you off for a few days – while chronic insomnia can leave you feeling drained and unmotivated on a regular basis. If fatigue is becoming a major problem in your life, you definitely need to consider your sleep.

There are a number of foods that can help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer, including cherries, bananas, and turkey. But if your insomnia is a little more serious, consider a natural sleep aid like Natrol Melatonin or Top Secret Nutrition Sleep. Both are great options for getting your sleep – and energy – back on track!

Have any questions or feedback about Fighting Fatigue Best Practices? Please leave a comment below…

The post Fighting Fatigue Best Practices appeared first on Weight Loss & Training.

from Ketone Blog
via Keto News

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