Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How-To Guide to Holistic Health, Part 2

How-To Guide to Holistic Health, Part 2

If you’re not thinking about your health on a holistic level, you need to start today.

Holistic health simply refers to your overall or complete health, integrating factors on a number of levels, including physical, mental, and emotional.

In my previous article, How-To Guide to Holistic Health, I reviewed 4 beginner tips to get you thinking about your holistic health. Check them out here – How-To Guide to Holistic Health, Part 1.

Now that you’ve integrated some simple holistic practices for maintaining your, I thought I would advance things a bit and focus on two major components of your holistic health –the mental and emotional. By addressing these aspects of your life, you will improve your overall sense of wellbeing.

Remember, stress impacts all aspects of your health, and over time, it can really have a toll on your body and mind. Learning how to deal with stress and can help improve your health on all levels.

Let’s take a look at these more advanced holistic health tips…

A How-To Guide to Holistic Health, Part 2: Dealing with Stress

1. Minimize the Impact of Stress

First, there are a few preventative measures you can take to minimize the impact (both short term and long term) of stress on your body and mind. Here are a few:

  • Exercise is a critical part of stress prevention. While it’s great to end a stressful day with a hard workout, exercising in the morning can help make your day seem less stressful in the first place.
  • Many foods actually help you deal with stress better, like MRM Grape Seed Extract. Not only does it help boost your immune system and prevent a number of illnesses, it also improves your mental functioning and your body’s ability to handle stress.
  • Journaling or keeping a diary is another simple and effective stress prevention strategy. Writing has been shown to be extremely therapeutic! On a regular basis, it can reduce your overall level of stress and help you better cope with your daily hassles.

2. Learn to Relax

Although you can minimize stress, you can’t eliminate it altogether. Stress is one of those annoying facts of life, which is why it’s so important to learn how to relax. Let’s look at 2 general methods of relaxation:

  • First, if your response to stress typically involves over excitement (such as yelling or wanting to punch a wall), then you’ll likely benefit most from relaxation techniques that calm you down. These may include meditation, deep breathing or guided imagery.
  • On the other hand, if your stress response involves getting quiet and withdrawing from life, then you’ll likely benefit from relaxation techniques that energize you. These may include cardiovascular exercise, weight training, or even yoga.
  • For either response, Magic Matcha Green Tea can be extremely beneficial. It is both energizing and calming, which makes it the perfect stress relieving super food.

3. Find Some Inner Peace

At the end of the day, the best thing you can do for your overall health is to find some inner peace. Whether it’s a hectic day or a major setback in life, your ability to find inner calm and serenity will mean everything.

Whether it’s 20 minutes or only 5, make sure you take some quiet time to yourself. This is a great time for a quiet meditation, some rhythmic breathing, or even some yoga. And you don’t need to sign up for expensive yoga classes. This simple Gaiam Yoga for Beginners Kit has everything you need to get started at home.

Whatever your method, it’s important to recognize that a peaceful mind will mean a more peaceful body, and vice versa. Your mental, physical, and emotional health are all connected, so make sure you nurture those connections.

Have any questions or feedback about my How-To Guide to Holistic Health? Please leave a comment below…

The post How-To Guide to Holistic Health, Part 2 appeared first on Weight Loss & Training.

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