Thursday, March 26, 2020

Paraben Free Skin Care Importance

Paraben Free Skin Care Importance

With the increased focus on organic and non-toxic healthcare products, some chemicals have received more attention than others.

Parabens are one of those toxic groups of chemicals that have been identified as particularly harmful. You’ve probably seen a number of new products that make claims about being ‘paraben-free.’

So what are parabens? They’re essentially a group chemical preservatives that are derived from petroleum and oil. They have a number of names, the most common being butylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben.

And they’re found in a wide range of products, including shampoos, lotions, body scrubs and washes, and around 85% of cosmetics! This article is going to take a closer look at skin care products, and how you can significantly reduce your use of paraben-containing cosmetics.

So Why the Bad Rap?

Besides being unnatural and therefore at odds with an organic perspective, parabens have also been classified as xenoestrogens. This means that they mimic estrogens in the body, which can totally disrupt your hormonal balance.

What’s more, this kind of estrogen disruption has been linked to reproductive problems and breast cancer in women. In fact, a 2004 study from the U.K. identified large amounts of paraben-based chemicals in tissue samples taken from breast tumors.

Although the study is not entirely conclusive, it has led to many experts to recommend limits on parabens in cosmetic and other personal healthcare products. And many environmental watchdog groups are making a strong push against the use of parabens, since they can also seriously disrupt hormone levels of other species in the environment.

Should You Be Worried?

The problem with the 2004 U.K. study is that researchers didn’t examine non-tumor tissue for paraben levels, so it’s difficult to make any firm conclusions about a link to cancer.

The World Health Organization and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration do consider this group of chemicals safe, but only at low levels. When it comes down to it, most products contain only a small amount of parabens, but in combination, it is possible for usage levels to cause concern.

At the end of the day, too little is still known about the long-term use of paraben-containing products and their link to cancer and other diseases. My recommendation is to be aware, and start reducing your use of parabens whenever possible. Slowly replacing your products over time may be the most practical approach. And I would suggest being especially mindful of cosmetics and other skin care products, since they tend to have the highest content and get absorbed the easiest.

Paraben-Free Skin Care Products

There are a number of skin care lines that have made their products pareben-free, including Aveda, Burt’s Bees, Korres, Pangea Organics, Origins, and John Masters Organics, to name a few. When it comes to all-natural and organic lines, remember that the absence of preservatives requires an expiration date – so watch for that!

Another solution is to go for oil-based products, since the use of water in skin care products requires preservatives (since water will encourage bacterial growth). And watch out for the products listing “preservatives” at the end of their ingredient list – this usually means they contain small amounts of parabens!

Easy Skin Care Solutions

Remember, proper skin care isn’t just about skin care products and cosmetics. Exercise is one of the best things you can do to care for your skin and improve its appearance. A great al-natural anti-aging solution for your skin is MRM Grape Seed Extract. Other foods high in antioxidants, like NOW Green Tea Extract or NOW Acai will help prevent wrinkles and discourage the aging of cells.

Staying hydrated is another easy and all-natural way to care for your skin. This VPX Coco Fit Coconut Water will not only keep your skin hydrated, it will also provide it (and the rest of your body) with key vitamins and nutrients!

Have any questions or feedback about Paraben Free Skin Care Importance? Please leave a comment below…

The post Paraben Free Skin Care Importance appeared first on Weight Loss & Training.

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