Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Are you able to burn fat even if you have an empty stomach?

Contrary to popular belief exercising with an empty stomach won’t increase your metabolism. It’s not true that your body is burning more fat if you use more fat for fuel. Your total calorie expenditure is more important than the energy you use to burn fat. My routine (eating breakfast and exercising in the morning) causes the body to use fat as fuel.

But this won’t make your muffin top melt. Instead, sugars are being broken down by the body from muscle tissue. This changes in gene expression will make it easier for your body to burn stored fat. Another study published in the National Strength and Conditioning Journal has shown that cardiovascular exercise is equally effective at burning calories, regardless of whether you eat.

When your carbohydrate reserves run out, your body switches to burning stored fat. However, this takes longer to turn into energy. Although protein will give you some fuel, it doesn’t raise your insulin as much as carbohydrates. This means that your body will still have fuel but not reduce fat burning. You don’t want to lose any fat. If your goal is to reduce fat oxidation, you should go into steady-state cardio fasting. A team of researchers examined the effects of four weeks of cardio exercise on either an empty stomach or a fed diet and found that only fasting cardiovascular exercise resulted in a decrease of body fat.

Your body may burn more fat if you exercise on an empty stomach after a night of no food. Your body’s preferred energy source, the carbohydrate reserve, isn’t available to you. Fasting cardio exercise won’t have any effect on the amount of body fat that you lose but it can help increase the fat loss in certain areas. While exercising with an empty stomach will result in a greater percentage of fat burning, it is best to do low-intensity exercises (walking and light cardiovascular exercise). Increased blood flow allows hormones to be released more easily, which makes it easier to burn stored fat.

The body doesn’t have to worry about large quantities of food being digested. It can carry oxygen to the muscles, and thus burn fat. Fat loss is determined by how much exercise a person does. This includes intensity. Your body can burn fat after exercising, as well as during exercise. This is called excessive oxygen consumption.


from Ketone Blog https://ketone2013.com/are-you-able-to-burn-fat-even-if-you-have-an-empty-stomach/
via Keto News

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