Thursday, October 6, 2022

What Can You Not Eat on Keto?

What can you not eat on keto

There are some things you should avoid when eating on the keto diet. Some of them include processed meats, soy products, artificial flavors, and sweet chili sauce. If you are wondering what you can eat, keep reading to learn more. Processed meat is also high in sodium, so make sure to eat organic, grass-fed meat instead.

Processed meats

While deli meat is allowed on the keto diet, you should avoid processed meats. These meats are not the healthiest option because they are usually cured with sugar or contain fillers, which are almost pure carbs. Instead, you should stick to all-beef sausages and hot dogs. Just don’t eat them on a bun!

There are a few exceptions to this rule, but in general, unprocessed meat is best on the keto diet. Meat cuts should be lean, as this allows for more protein and lower calorie intake. You can also choose fatty cuts of meat, as long as they are unprocessed.

In addition, some dairy products are allowed on the keto diet. Generally, you can enjoy dairy products that are full-fat, but be sure to stick to organic ones. You should also avoid low-fat dairy, which replaces fat with sugar.

Soy products

While soy may be a popular choice for vegans, it is not allowed on a ketogenic diet. It contains phytoestrogens, which act as estrogens in the body. Unfortunately, a high amount of soy can result in a hormonal imbalance. Furthermore, soy is subject to heavy genetic modification and pesticides. In fact, 94% of soy in the United States was GMO as of 2018. Not to mention that soy sauce can also contain gluten and wheat by-products.

Soy products are highly processed, so avoiding them is a good way to follow the keto diet. Soymilk, for example, contains phytates and lectins, which can be harmful to the gut. You should not consume large amounts of soymilk or soy-based products, and you should try to stay away from tofu. Instead, you can use all-natural soy sauce instead. While most soy sauces contain gluten, some are wheat-free.

Sweet chili sauces

Sweet chili sauce is almost sugar, so it is a common misconception that it is not allowed on keto. While this is true to some extent, it is not completely off limits. Fortunately, there are a number of keto-friendly alternatives to sweet chili sauce. One popular option is coconut aminos, a low-glycemic, vegan, gluten-free sauce that contains 17 essential amino acids. It is also lower in sodium than soy sauce, but not completely sugar-free. It also adds umami flavor to your food.

Another sugar-free, low-carb alternative to Sweet Chili Sauce is to make your own. The ingredients for homemade sauce are common and readily available at most grocery stores. You can also use dried chili flakes instead of fresh chili. However, you should reduce the amount of chili flakes to about half or one tablespoon, depending on your personal taste.

Artificial flavors

Although artificial flavors are not banned on the keto diet, they are not suitable for all people. Some of them are not only unnatural, but they also increase sugar cravings. Even if they are zero-glycemic and have no impact on blood sugar levels, artificial sweeteners are not appropriate for the ketogenic diet. Moreover, they are not produced using healthy techniques. They contain high temperatures, solvents, bleaches, and other chemicals. Some of these ingredients can also cause inflammation and other health problems.

On the other hand, natural flavors are not forbidden. While artificial flavors come from a variety of sources, natural flavors come from plants or animals. These flavors are made to enhance the taste of a particular food product.

Sugar-free sodas

Sugar-free sodas are a great option for dieters on a ketogenic diet. They taste like the real thing but have none of the harmful ingredients. Many popular soda brands contain high amounts of sugars, artificial flavors, and other ingredients. They are also highly addictive. Many people find it difficult to give them up once they get used to them.

You can also make your own soda using a SodaStream. It will add about half a gram of carbohydrates, but it won’t ruin your ketogenic diet. You can also buy sugar-free sports drinks or electrolyte tablets.

from Ketone Blog
via Keto News

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